A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, C. Schöndorfer, E. Bertagnolli, “Focused ion beam generated antimony nanowires for microscale pH sensors”, Applied Physics Letters, 95 (2009), S. 2231061
K. Leonhardt, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski, M. Wu, B. Gollas, G. Denuault, “Atomic force microscopy-scanning electrochemical microscopy: influence of tip geometry and insulation defects on diffusion controlled currents at conical electrodes”, Analytical chemistry, 83 (2011), 2971
A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, M. Wu, B. Gollas, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski, K. Leonhardt, G. Denuault, E. Bertagnolli, “Fabrication of cone-shaped boron doped diamond and gold nanoelectrodes for AFM-SECM”, Nanotechnology, 22 (2011), 145306
K. Leonhardt, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski,B. Gollas, G. Denuault, “Scanning electrochemical microscopy: Diffusion controlled approach curves for conical AFM-SECM tips”, Electrochemistry Communications 27 (2013), 29
I. Pobelov, M. Mohos, K. Yoshida, V. Kolivoska, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, B. Gollas, K. Leonhardt, G. Denuault and T. Wandlowski, “Electrochemical current-sensing atomic force microscopy in conductive solutions”, Nanotechnology, 24 (2013), 115501
A. Lugstein, A. Avdić, E. Bertagnolli, “FIB generated antimony nanowires as chemical sensors”, SPIE Europe: Microtechnologies for the New Millennium 2009, Dresden/Germany, Talk
A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, “Application of FIB induced nanowires”, Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress 2009, Berlin/Germany, Poster
A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, M. Wu, B. Gollas, E. Bertagnolli, “Microfabrication of the combined AFM-SECM sensors using Focused Ion Beam”, 5. FIB Workshop 2010, Vienna/Austria, Talk
A. Avdic, T. Burchhart, J. Greil, W. Molnar, F. Smecka, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, “Nanowires at FKE” Microelectronics Conference 2010, Vienna/Austria, Poster
A. Avdic, K. Leonhardt, A. Lugstein, G. Denuault, E. Bertagnolli, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski, M. Wu, B. Gollas, “Microfabrication of the combined AFM-SECM sensors”, CUSO - Summer School: Nanoelectrochemistry 2010, Villars/Schweiz, Poster
K. Leonhardt, G. Denuault, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski, M. Wu, B. Gollas, “Modeling of AFMSECM tips: influence of defects, approach curves and imaging of surfaces”, CUSO - Summer School: Nanoelectrochemistry 2010 Villars/Schweiz, Poster
M. Wu, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, B. Gollas, “Boron-doped diamond electrodes for AFM-SECM”, CUSO - Summer School: Nanoelectrochemistry 2010, Villars/Schweiz, Poster
A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, M. Wu, B. Gollas, E. Bertagnolli, “Microfabrication of the combined AFM-SECM Sensors utilizing Focused Ion Beam and isotropic Inductively Coupled PlasmaReactive Ion Etching”, MRS Fall Meeting 2010, Boston/USA, Talk
M. Wu, B. Gollas, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski, K. Leonhardt, G. Denuault, “Microfabrication and characterisation of cone-shaped boron-doped diamond and gold nanoelectrodes for simultaneous AFM and SECM imaging”, 9th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2011, Turku/Finland, Talk
M. Wu, B. Gollas, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski, K. Leonhardt, G. Denuault, “Microfabrication and characterization of cone-shaped boron-doped diamond and gold nanoelectrodes for AFM/SECM”, 14. Austrian Chemistry Days, 2011, Linz/Austria, Talk
B. Gollas, M. Wu, C. Zelger, A. Avdic, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, I. Pobelov, T. Wandlowski, K. Leonhardt, G. Denuault, “ConeShaped Nanoelectrodes for Simultaneous AFM and SECM Imaging” 63. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry 2012, Prague/Czech Republic, Talk
A. Avdic, A. M. Lausch, A. Lugstein, E. Bertagnolli, “New generation micro vacuum gauge for ultra-high vacuum measurements using modified AFM tips”,76. Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG Spring Meeting 2012, Berlin/Germany, Talk