L. Bettiol, B. Seifert, N. Mühlich, L. Massotti, J. Gonzalez del Amo (2021): Development and Qualification of the FEEP Technology for the upcoming ESA’s Earth Observation Mission NGGM, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Dubai, UAE.
R.L. Kobrick, D.M. Garcia, L.S. Miller, C.A. Covello, N. Lopac, C.T. Olthoff, D. Pütz, K. Runyon, L. Bettiol, G. Grömer (2020): RxEVA: Prescribing Human Performance Exploration Limits for Surface Operations, IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
L. Bettiol, A. De La Torre, D. Patel, F. Oluwafemi, G. Kamaletdinova, R.K. Singh, U. Heshani, Y. Lakmal, A. Rivolta, A. Sorokin (2018): Manned Mars Mission Risks Evaluation, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany.
A. Pellegrino, M.L. Battagliere, F. Milza, C. Valente, A.G. Bottai, F. Angeletti, L. Bettiol, M.F. Buongiorno, M. Messina, L. Riccardi, A. Nassisi, A. Russo (2018): Gender Equality in the Italian Space sector: a study case of the WIA Rome Local Group, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany.
I. Benecken, L. Bettiol, A. Berquand, A. Decadi, M. Elsen, M. Fittock, J. Gilleron, M. Grulich, J. Lousada, D. Milankovich, F. Milza, L. Poulet, K. Schlosser, A. Trivedi (2018): Addressing Key Psychological, Social and Physiological Factors in Preparation for Long Duration Manned Missions – Suggested Adaptations of the Current Astronaut Selection and Training, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Bremen, Germany.
K. Manyapu, M. Grande, M. Grulich, L. Bettiol (2017): Considerations for Fostering International Collaboration in Exploring Cislunar Space, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Adelaide, Australia.
M. Emanuelli, L. Bettiol, M. Grulich, J.E. Gramajo Gonzalez, J. Atchison, L. León Pérez, J. Sotudeh (2016): Nanosatellites and their demand for changes in space policy, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico.
C.M. Entrena Utrilla, L. Bettiol, J. Piness, I. Revesz, F. Oluwafemi, J. Lousada (2016): Safety Analysis of Spacesuit Design for Martian Surface, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Guadalajara, Mexico.
M. Emanuelli, B. J. Edwards, M. Driedger, J. Atchison, J. Sotudeh, G. Lapilli, M. Grulich, L. Bettiol, C. Thro, E. Gorur, L. De Witt, A. Davidi, S. Gautam, S. Bandla, J. Gramajo, M. Mijovic, L. León Perez, C. Dubois, E. David, M. Pariente, C. Johnson (2016): Policy challenges related to nanosatellites, Proceedings of the IAASS Conference, Melbourne, Florida, USA.
N. Prasad Nagendra, K. Kumar, L. Bettiol, G. Federico, O. Ogunmodimu, S. Shojaee, M. Emanuelli, S.A. Nasseri (2015): An analysis of the applicability of space debris mitigation guidelines to the commercial small-satellite industry, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel.
L. Bettiol, F. Branz, A. Carron, M. Duzzi, A. Francesconi (2015): Numerical simulations on a smart control system for membrane structures, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel.
R. Gourdon, A. Hussein, A. Soni, B. Aliaj, C.M. Entrena Utrilla I. Sisaid, J. Reinert, J. Faull, L. Bettiol, N. Schmidt, S. Nambiar, T. Dimitrov (2015): The International Space University Space Studies Program 2015 Planetary Defense Project, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Jerusalem, Israel.
L. Bettiol, F. Branz, A. Francesconi (2014): Dynamic analysis of thin-film solar panels in LEO, Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, Toronto, Canada.