Dr. Margarita Himmelbauer


Naturwissenschaften: Bodeneigenschaften, Stickstoffskreislauf und Nitratauswaschung, Grundwasser- und Bodenkontaminierung, Bodenphysik; Ökologie der Pflanzen, Wurzelwachstum und -morphologie, Bildanalyse, Rhizospärenforschung; Analytik von Boden-, Wasser- und Pflanzenproben, Experimenten im Feld und unter kontrollierten Bedingungen

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Universität (2003)
Technische Wissenschaften

Lehrgang über Potentialanalyse, Projekt-, Zeit- und Konfliktmanagement, Präsentationstechniken.

Weitere Fachrichtungen, weitere Ausbildungen
Landschaftsarchitektur und - planung


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Originalbeitrag in Fachzeitschrift
Himmelbauer M., V. Novák and J. Majerčák (2007): Sensitivity of soil water content profiles in the root zone to extraction functions based on different root morphological parameters. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics (akzeptiert)
Himmelbauer M.L. and W. Loiskandl (2007): Measuring soil water content in soil - root media. 15th International Poster Day: Transport of Water, Chemicals and Energy in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere System, 15 Nov. 2007, Bratislava, Slovakia, p.133-141 (CD). Slovak Academy of Sciences, ISBN 978-80-89139-13-2
Himmelbauer, M.L. and V. Novák (2006): Root parameter distributions required for modeling of soil water uptake by plants. Proceedings of the Int. Symposium Soil Physics and Rural Water Management Progress, Needs and Challenges (SOPHYWA), 2829 Sept. 2006, Vienna, Austria, p. 41-44, BOKU, ISBN 3-900962-65-0
Himmelbauer, M.L., M. Puschenreiter, A. Schnepf, W. Loiskandl and W.W. Wenzel (2005): Root morphology of THLASPI GOESINGENSE Hálácsy grown on a serpentine soil. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 168: 138-144
Himmelbauer, M.L., A. Schnepf, W. Loiskandl and W.W. Wenzel (2005): Root Morphological Parameters and Uptake Modeling. Mitteilungen der ÖBG, 72: 135-140, Österreichische Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
Himmelbauer, M., W. Loiskandl, and F. Kastanek (2004): Estimating length, average diameter and surface area of roots using two different Image analyses systems. Plant and Soil, 260 (1-2): 111-120
Himmelbauer, M., P. Cepuder, W. Loiskandl, and F. Kastanek (2002): Field Study on Root - Soil - Nitrogen Relations. Journal of Balkan Ecology, 5(1): 31-40
Himmelbauer, M. (2001): Study of root growth in the field. Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, Vol. 4-6: 179-181
Himmelbauer, M., I. Damyanova-Kirilova, W. Loiskandl, and P. Cepuder (2001): Effect of nitrogen fertilization on root distribution of winter barley. Soil Science, Agrochemistry and Ecology, Vol. 4-6: 118-121

Originalbeitrag in Sammelwerk
Himmelbauer, M. (2006): Filed and laboratory methods of study root growth, morphology and spatial distribution. In: Luster, J. and R. Finlay (Eds): Handbook of Methods Used in Rhizosphere Research. 536; Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. Birmensdorf. ISBN 3-905621-35-5
Schnepf, A., M.L. Himmelbauer, M. Puschenreiter, T. Schrefl, E. Lombi, W.J. Fitz, W. Loiskandl, F. Konecny and W.W. Wenzel (2005): Model development for simulating the bioavailability of Ni to the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi goesingense. In: P.M. Huang (Ed.), The Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements in the Rhizosphere. Elsevier, pp. 391-418

Margarita Himmelbauer
Dr. Margarita Himmelbauer

Inst. f. Hydraulik und LKWW, BOKU


Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.05.2023