Dr. Dipl. Ing. Lisa Kaltenegger


Physik, Mechanik, Astronomie: Extrasolare Planeten Suche und Charakterisierung; Suche nach der zweiten Erde;

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Universität (2004)
Technische Wissenschaften


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
  • Italienisch
  • Spanisch
  • Portugiesisch / Brasilianisch
Mehr Details
  • Deutsch

    Schriftlich: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache
    Konversation: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache

  • Englisch

    Schriftlich: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache
    Konversation: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache

  • Italienisch

    Schriftlich: Grundkenntnisse
    Konversation: Grundkenntnisse

  • Spanisch

    Schriftlich: Verhandlungssicher / Fließend
    Konversation: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache

  • Portugiesisch / Brasilianisch

    Schriftlich: Gute Kenntnisse
    Konversation: Verhandlungssicher / Fließend


Auszeichnungen / Preise

Simon Foundation Award Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life 2013
European Commission Role Model for Women in Science and Research 2012
Prize lecture & Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize for Physics of Germany 2012
Prize lecture Conrad Festa, College of Charleston 2010
Tinsley Visiting Scholar, University of Texas Austin 2009
P. Hertelendy Award and Prize Lecture for Outstanding Young Scientist at CfA 2007 2007
Americas Young Innovator in Arts and Science Award 2007, Smithsonian Magazine 2007
Austrian National Award for Outstanding Academic Achievements 2005
Highest Austrian Academic Honor SubAuspices (awarded personally by Austrian president) 2004
National Award of the Ministry of Educations for Outstanding Academic Achievement(PhD) 2004
National Award of the Ministry of Educations for Outstanding Academic Achievement(MSc) 2000
Awards of Academic Achievement, Tech. Univ. Graz & KF Univ Graz 1996 through 2001


1. Kaltenegger, L et al., Spectral Evolution of an Earth-like Planet, ApJ 658, 598, 2007
This paper changed the way the scientific community thinks about, and models rocky exoplanets, as well as what observes consider as input for design specifications of new instruments. It pioneered the study of observable spectra spectral fingerprints of Earth through geological times using fossil records as proxy for evolutionary stages of an exoEarths.

2. Kaltenegger, L & Traub, W., Transits of Earth-Like Planets, ApJ, 698, 1, pp. 519-527, 2009
This paper used shuttle data to produce the first Earths spectrum in transit geometry - the first spectral fingerprint of our Earth transiting the Sun and for the first time quantitatively evaluates future mission needs for JWST for the Exo-Earth science case.

3. Kaltenegger, L., Characterizing Habitable Exo-Moons, ApJL, 711, L1-L6, 2010
This paper address for the first time what it would take to figure out if a exomoon is habitable using spectroscopy while considering dynamical constraints on the moons orbit.

4. Kaltenegger L., et al.,Characterizing Volcano planets, ApJ, 140, 5, 1370, 2010
This paper established the idea that we can detect signatures of volcanism on exoplanets to establish if it is geologically active, and therefore can maintain surface habitability.

5. Kaltenegger L., et al., Characterizing Model Spectra of the First Potentially Habitable Super-EarthGl581d, ApJ, 733, 1, 2011
This paper explores whether Gl 581d could in principle provide habitable environments and how those could be observed using spectroscopy in transit and secondary eclipse.

6. Kaltenegger, L., Sasselov D., Rugheimer S., Water Planets in the Habitable Zone: Atmospheric Chemistry, Observable Features, and the case of Kepler-62e and -62f, ApJL in press

7.Kaltenegger, L. & Haghighipour N., Habitability of Binary Systems I: S-type binaries, ApJ in press

8.Kaltenegger L., Miguel, Y., Rugheimer, S., Rocky exoplanet Characterization and Atmospheres, International Journal of Astrobiology, 11, p. 297-307, 2012

9.Hegde S. & Kaltenegger L., Colours of extreme worlds, Astrobiology 13(1):47-56 (2013)

10.Kaltenegger L., Selsis F., et al., Characterization of Terrestrial Exoplanets and Detection of Biomarkers, Astrobiology ,10, 1, pp. 89-102, 2010