Stellenausschreibung: Universität Wien - Post-Doc


Moritz Schlick postdoc position in Extragalactic Archeology with Population-Dynamical

The Moritz Schlick early-career programme at the University of Vienna supports early- stage postdocs with high potential for an academic career. Participants in the programme receive outstanding financial support as well as training and mentoring to allow them to develop their full potential.

The Department of Astrophysics is offering a Moritz Schlick position (4+2 years) in the "Dynamics of Stellar Systems" research group of Prof. Glenn van de Ven.

We seek an outstanding candidate to take a leading role in our research team in developing and applying novel techniques to state-of-the art photometric and spectroscopic observations of nearby galaxies to uncover their formation history. In particular, you will be part of the Vienna core team in charge of our pioneering code for orbital modelling of stellar systems which today is publicly released under the name DYNAMITE.

We offer a stimulating research environment with staff working in various areas of astrophysics. Our team has privileged access to the Vienna Scientific Cluster super-computing facility. As a member state of ESO and ESA, Austria has access to their first- class observing facilities. A one-time €75,000 research fund will be made available.

You should have a Doctoral/PhD degree in astronomy or astrophysics with affinity for programming, or in computer science or applied mathematics with affinity for astronomy. Excellent communication and very good programming skills in English are required, while expertise in dynamical modelling and stellar spectroscopy are assets. Participation in teaching and supervision of students is requested, while very good organizational skills are highly desirable

If you are interested, please apply online via following the application instructions. This includes two recommendation letters to be submitted online or directly send to before the application deadline of 31 October 2022.

Apply here until October 31st.