Webinar: Empowerment Radio & the Magic of Community

18.03.2021 online

Empowerment Radio & the Magic of Community

Start der Webinar-Reihe Empowerment Media am 18. März 2021

Unter dem Titel „Empowerment Media“ veranstaltet COMMIT 2021 eine Online-Reihe zu den Themen Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, Medien und Diversität. In der ersten Ausgabe wird uns Birgitte Jallov (Präsidentin des Community Forum Europe) von ihren eigenen Projekten und der Rolle von Empowerment in Community Medien erzählen. Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.

Why is community radio, community media, so special? What is it that makes hundreds, thousands of us in Europe – and around the world – continue to let our community radio/media engagement be so important in our lives? What is it that gives that special community radio ‘magic’?

Based in a lifetime working in, with and for community radio around the world, Birgitte takes us with her through the many small, yet significant steps, that turn community radio/media into platforms that in many parts of the world have made traditionally unheard – voiceless and marginalised – communities in a position to, together, work for better lives for all.

If it isn’t magic, what is it then? And why radio? And why is it that it is so complicated in many places for women to play their role – and when they do, when they finally manage to get their space, they generate real community change? We will explore this and a lot more.

Birgitte is presently the President of Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and has enjoyed bringing her experience from Africa, Asia and the Middle East with her back to Europe, where she finds that community radio plays much the same role as everywhere else. COMMIT has with CMFE and partners produced powerful documentation of exactly that, which Birgitte will also briefly refer to, while she will also pick up on why and how it is that the tragic Covid crisis has been in a position to – like a magnifying glass – show the power of community in community media.

And with your good questions, we will be able to cover even more ground!

Birgitte Jallov (President CMFE): Founder of EMPOWERHOUSE and a life-long advocate of people’s right to found, define, manage, own and fill their own media, Birgitte has since the early 80s been active in and around community media as a broadcaster, a manager, a midwife, a trainer, a donor, an advocate, an evaluator and an activist in many countries in especially Europe, North America and Africa. Birgitte co-founded Denmark’s first women’s radio in Denmark’s first community radio kickstarting a 3‑year period of experiments with community radio and local TV back in 1983 – inspiring debate while challenging those traditionally setting the agenda. A long-time member of AMARC’s Women’s International Network (WIN), Birgitte never misses a chance to work to secure women’s engagement on all levels and in all areas of the media and was until recently among others on the board of the International Association of Women in the Media (IAWRT). Birgitte operates within a vast international network and was among others the manager of UNESCO’s to date biggest national media development programme for a 6‑year period in Mozambique. Birgitte’s community media book: “EMPOWERMENT RADIO – Voices building a community” is now available as a free e‑reader. Reviews highlight the book’s focus: “If you want to read only one book on sustainability of community radio, this is the one to read!”

Termin und Ort:
Donnerstag, 18. März 16.30 – 18.00 auf der Plattform Zoom. (Meeting-Link wird nach der Anmeldung zugesandt; bitte für den Technik-Check einige Minuten früher einsteigen)

Hier geht’s zur ANMELDUNG.
Um verbindliche Anmeldung bis spätestens 15.3.2021 wird gebeten.
Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei.

Weitere Informationen:
Simon Olipitz (COMMIT)
E‑Mail: so@commit.at
Tel.: +43 699 10 95 7171