Dr. Dipl. Ing. Clara Schuecker


  • Maschinenbau, Instrumentenbau: Forschung im Bereich Materialmodellierung und Finite-Elemente Simulation von Faserverbundwerkstoffen (Junior Researcher - NASA Langley Research Center; Doktorandin & Post-Doc - ILSB, TU Wien; Research Scholar - Syracuse University, NY)
  • Maschinenbau, Instrumentenbau: Industrieprojekte im Bereich Bauteilsimulation & Methodenentwicklung

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Maschinenbau, Instrumentenbau


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  • Malagasy
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  • Französisch

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    Konversation: Gute Kenntnisse

  • Spanisch

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    Konversation: Gute Kenntnisse

  • Malagasy

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    Konversation: Grundkenntnisse


Auszeichnungen / Preise

NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship, NASA Langley Research Center (2007).

Finalist of the ECCOMAS Award for the best Ph.D. thesis 2005 on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS (2005).

Amelia Earhart Fellowship Award 2003/2004, Zonta International
Foundation (2003).


S.T. Pinho, R. Darvizeh, P. Robinson, C. Schuecker, and P.P. Camanho. Material and structural response of polymer-matrix fibre-reinforced composites, WWFE-II (Part A). Comp. Sci. and Tech., 2009. (accepted).

Th. Flatscher, C. Schuecker, and H.E. Pettermann. Prediction of inelastic strain accumulation in continuous fiber reinforced laminates by a constitutive ply model. Int. J. Frac., 2008. (accepted).

G. Wimmer, C. Schuecker, H.E. Pettermann. Numerical Simulation of Delamination in Laminated Composites - A Combination of a Strength Criterion and Fracture Mechanics. Comp. Part B, 40:158-165, 2009.

C. Schuecker, C.G. Dávila, and H.E. Pettermann. Modeling the non-linear response of fiber-reinforced laminates using a combined damage/plasticity model. Technical Report NASA/TM-2008-215314, NASA Langley Research Center, 2008.

C. Schuecker and H.E. Pettermann. Fiber reinforced laminates: Extending the concept of mechanism based first ply failure prediction to progressive damage modeling. Arch. Comp. Meth. Eng., 15(2):163184, 2008. (invited paper)

C. Schuecker and H.E. Pettermann. Combining elastic brittle damage with plasticity to model the non-linear behavior of fiber reinforced laminates, volume 10 of Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, chapter 5, pages 99117. Springer, 2008.

C. Schuecker and H.E. Pettermann. A continuum damage model for fiber reinforced laminates based on ply failure mechanisms. Composite Structures, 76(1-2):162173, 2006.

C. Schuecker, D.H. Pahr, and H.E. Pettermann. Accounting for residual stresses in FEM analyses of laminated structures using the Puck criterion for three-axial stress states. Comp. Sci. and Tech., 66(13):20542062, 2006.

C. Schuecker and B.D. Davidson. Effect of friction on the perceived Mode II delamination toughness from three- and four-point bend End Notched Flexure tests. In P. Grant and C. Q. Russeau, editors, Composite Structures: Theory and Practice, ASTM STP 1383, pages 334344. American Society for Testing and Materials, 2000.

C. Schuecker and B.D. Davidson. Evaluation of the accuracy of the four-point bend End Notched Flexure tests for Mode II delamination toughness determination. Comp. Sci. and Tech., 60(11):21372146, 2000.

Clara Schuecker
Dr. Dipl. Ing. Clara Schuecker


Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.05.2023