DR. Anne-Karina Perl


Biologie, Botanik, Zoologie: Gentechnologie, Transgene Maeuse, Tumorbiologie, Entwicklungsbiologie, Lungenentwicklung,

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Universität (1998)

1994 Magistra 1998 Doktorat 1999 -2002 Postdoctoral studies since 2002 Assistant Professor (Dozent)

Weitere Fachrichtungen, weitere Ausbildungen
Tumorbiologie, Genetik, Zellbiologie, Entwicklungsbiologie


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  • Französisch

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Auszeichnungen / Preise

Nachwuchswissenschafterin des Jahres 1998 der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Genetik und Gentechnologie.

Erwin Schroedinger Stipendium 1999 und 2000


Perl, AKT, Wilgenbus, P., Dahl, U., Semb, H., and Christofori, G. (1998).
A causal role for E-Cadherin in the transition from adenoma to carcinoma. Nature 392, 190-193.

Perl, AKT, Dahl, U., Wilgenbus, P., Cremer, H., Semb, H., and Christofori, G. (1999). Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule (N-CAM) modulates the metastatic dissemination of pancreatic b tumor cells
Nature medicine, Vol. 5, 3 286-291

Esni, F., Täljedal, I.-B., Perl, AKT, Cremer H., Christofori, G, and Semb, H. (1999). N-CAM is required for cell type segregation and normal ultrastructure in pancreatic islets
J Cell Biol. 1999 Jan; 144(2): 325-37

Perl AKT, Whitsett J.A. (1999). Molecular mechanisms controlling lung morphogenesis. Review, Clin. Genet 1999 Jul; 56(1) 14-27

Perl AK.T.; Tichelaar J.W.; Whitsett J.A. (2002). Conditional gene expression in the respiratory epithelium of the mouse. Transgenic Res. 2002 Feb; 11(1): 21-9.

Perl, AK.T., Wert S.E., Nagy A., Lobe C. G., Whitsett J.A. (2002)
Early restriction of peripheral and proximal cell lineages during formation of the lung. PNAS 99 (16) 10482-10487

Hokuto I., Perl AK.T., Whitsett J.A. (2003) (co-first author)
Prenatal, but not postnatal inhibition of FGF-receptor signaling causes emphysema. J Biol Chem 278:415-21

Perl AK.T., Hokuto I., Impagnatiello M.A., Christofori G., Whitsett J.A. (2003) Temporal effects of Sprouty on lung morphogenesis. Dev Biol. 2003 Jun 1;258(1):154-68

Hokuto I, Perl AK, Whitsett JA. (2003). FGF-signaling is required for pulmonary homeostasis following hyperoxia. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2004 Mar;286(3):L580-7. Epub 2003 Nov 14.

Perl AK, Ralf Kist R, Shan ZY, Scherer G., Whitsett JA. (2004) Normal lung development and function after Sox9 inactivation in the respiratory epithelium Genesis 2005 Jan;41(1):23-32

Anne-Karina Perl


Letzte Aktualisierung: 05.05.2023