Ass.-Prof. DI Dr.techn. Corina Klug

Ich bin Unfallforscherin im Fachbereich Fahrzeugsicherheit mit Fokus auf Trauma-Biomechanik. Ziel meiner Forschung ist es durch die Erforschung des mechanische Verhaltens des Manschen in kritischen Situationen Unfälle und Verletzungen im Straßenverkehr zu vermeiden. Ein besonderer Fokus in meiner Arbeit liegt darauf die Unterschiede zwischen unterschiedlichen Verkehrsteilnehmer:innen im Bezug auf die Fortbewegungsart, ihres Alters, ihres Geschlechts sowie ihrer körperlichen Konstitution zu erforschen um schlussendlich eine sichere, nachhaltige Mobilität für alle zu schaffen. Methodisch arbeite ich seit mehreren Jahren an virtuellen Finite Elemente Menschmodelle und deren Anwendung zur Auslegung und Bewertung von Schutzmaßnahmen. Dabei konzentriere ich mich nicht nur auf die klassische Fahrzeugsicherheit, sondern auch auf Protektoren, Helme und Freizeitunfälle.


  • Technische Wissenschaften: Biomechanik mit Fokus auf Trauma-Biomechanik. Dabei geht es darum wie der menschliche Körper auf mechanische Belastungen reagiert. Dies erforschen wir in Freiwilligen-versuchen bei niedrigen Belastungen sowie in Simulationen mit FE Menschmodellen, die stätig weiterentwickelt werden. Ich bin Mitglied verschiedener internationaler Arbeitsgruppen zum Thema Menschmodelle, Fahrzeugsicherheit und virtuellem Testen z.B. bei Euro NCAP, SAE Europe Advisory Board oder der UNECE GRSP (Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29)).
  • Gender und Mobilität: Im Rahmen unserer Forschung untersuchen wir den Gender-Safety-Gap und damit verbundene Ursachen. Wir führen Analysen von Unfalldaten durch und Simulationen mit FE Menschmodelle, um den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Köperformen, Massenverteilungen und Alter auf das Verletzungsrisiko zu untersuchen. Gemeinsam mit einer schwedischen Kollegin, leite ich die Informal Working Group "Equitable Occupant Protection" der UNECE GRSP. Ausgwählte Publikationen zu dem Thema: How much does the injury risk between average female and average male anthropometry differ?–A simulation study with open source tools for virtual crash safety assessments Holistic pedestrian safety assessment for average males and females: Hello, world! VIVA+: A human body model lineup to evaluate sex-differences in crash protection Are there any significant differences in terms of age and sex in pedestrian and cyclist accidents?


  • Fahrzeugsicherheit
  • Biomechanik
  • Menschmodellierung
  • Unfallforschung
  • Verletzungsprävention

Verfügbar für



Mittleres Management

  • Universität


Universität (2018)
Maschinenbau, Instrumentenbau

Leading Women Programm der TU Graz Während der Studienzeit Mitglied im Young Ladies Network of Technology; Teilnnahme an mehreren Workshops und Fortbildungen (Siemens AG) Auslandaufenthalte bei Chalmers University of Technolgy (2020+2021) in Schweden und Imperial College London in Großbritannien (2016).

Weitere Fachrichtungen, weitere Ausbildungen
2018: Doktor der technischen Wissenschaften (Doctoral School Maschinenbau) an der TU Graz. Dissertation: “Assessment of Passive Vulnerable Road User Protection with Human Body Models” 2013: Diplomstudium Wirschaftsingeniurswesen Maschinenbau (Dipl.-Ing.). Diplomarbeit: "Modelling of the Cerebrospinal Fluid”,


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
Mehr Details
  • Deutsch

    Schriftlich: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache
    Konversation: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache

  • Englisch

    Schriftlich: Verhandlungssicher / Fließend
    Konversation: Verhandlungssicher / Fließend


Auszeichnungen / Preise

11/2021: "Mind_the_Gap” award of TU Graz for publication „Are here any significant differences in terms of age and sex in pedestrian and cyclist accidents?”

10/2016: Young Scientist Award for the best research work in digital Human Modelling presented at the 2016 International Symposium "Human Modelling and Simulation in Automotive Engineering"



1.  Erlinger, N., Schinagl, M., Krebs, C., Arneitz, C., & Klug, C. (2023). Simulation of Blunt Abdominal Impacts caused by Handlebar Ends during Bicycle Crashes with the PIPER Child Model. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2023 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 136–155).

2.  Klug, C., Bützer, D., Iraeus, J., John, J., Keller, A., Kowalik, M., Leo, C., Levallois, I., Putra, I. P. A., Ressi, F., Schmitt, K.-U., Svensson, M., Trummler, L., Wijnen, W., & Linder, A. (2023). How much does the injury risk between average female and average male anthropometry differ? – A simulation study with open source tools for virtual crash safety assessments. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 193, 107328.

3.  Lackner, C., Heinzl, P., Leo, C., & Klug, C. (2023). Investigations on tram-pedestrian impacts by application of virtual testing with human body models. European Transport Research Review, 15(1).

4.  Leo, C., Fredriksson, A., Grumert, E., Linder, A., Schachner, M., Tidborg, F., & Klug, C. (2023). Holistic Pedestrian Safety Assessment for Average Males and Females. Frontiers in Public Health - Injury prevention and control, (11).

5.  Leo, C., Schachner, M., Kofler, D., & Klug, C. (2023). E-scooter driving postures and velocities retrieved from volunteer tests using motion capturing and traffic observations. In International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2023 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings.

6.  Schachner, M., Schneider, B., Weißenbacher, F., Kirillova, N., Possegger, H., Bischof, H., & Klug, C. (accepted). Identifying and Extracting Pedestrian Behavior in Critical Traffic Situations. In IEEE (Ed.), 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems

7.  Erlinger, N., Kofler, D., Heider, E., & Klug, C. (2022). Effects of Boundary Conditions and Posture on Simulations with Human Body Models of Braking Events. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2022 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 628–652).

8.  Galijatovic, E., Eichlseder, M., Heindl, S. F., & Klug, C. (2022). Integrity of virtual testing for crash protection. Frontiers in Future Transportation, 3.

9.  Höschele, P., Smit, S., Tomasch, E., Östling, M., Mroz, K., & Klug, C. (2022). Generic Crash Pulses Representing Future Accident Scenarios of Highly Automated Vehicles. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety, 10(2).

10.  John, J., Klug, C., Kranjec, M., Svenning, E., & Iraeus, J. (2022). Hello, world! VIVA+: A human body model lineup to evaluate sex-differences in crash protection. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 10.

11.  Klug, C., Rudd, R., Fitterer, S., Tomasch, E., Blume, H.-J., Craig, M., & Werneke, P. (2022). Priorities in Far-side Protection – What can we learn from field data for the development of virtual testing protocols? In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2022 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 1–21).

12.  Lackner, C., Heinzl, P., Rizzi, M. C., Leo, C., Schachner, M., Pokorny, P., Klager, P., Buetzer, D., Elvik, R., Linder, A., & Klug, C. (2022). Tram to Pedestrian Collisions—Priorities and Potentials. Frontiers in Future Transportation, 3, 877.

13.  Mroz, K., Östling, M., Klug, C., Höschele, P., & Lubbe, N. (2022). Supplementing Future Occupant Safety Assessments with Severe Intersection Crashes Selected Using the SAFER Human Body Model. SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety, 10(2).

14.  Rajinovic, S., Safikhani, S., Schachner, M., Gstrein, G., Kofler, D., Schneider, B., Erlinger, N., Pirker, J., & Klug, C. (2022). Testing of human reactions during braking manoeuvres combining a physical test bed with virtual reality. Frontiers in Future Transportation, 3.

15.  Ressi, F., Leo, C., Klug, C., & Sinz, W. (2022). Protection challenges in seat positions with large rearward adjustment in frontal collisions: An approach using stochastic human body model simulations. Frontiers in Future Transportation, 3.

16.  Schneider, B., Kofler, D., D’Addetta, G. A., Freienstein, H., Wolkenstein, M., & Klug, C. (2022). Approach for machine learning based design of experiments for occupant simulation. Frontiers in Future Transportation, 3.

17.  Krašna, S., Keller, A., Linder, A., Silvano, A. P., Xu, J.-C., Thomson, R., & Klug, C. (2021). Human Response to Longitudinal Perturbations of Standing Passengers on Public Transport During Regular Operation. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 9, 680883.

18.  Leo, C., Rizzi, M. C., Bos, N. M., Davidse, R. J., Linder, A., Tomasch, E., & Klug, C. (2021). Are There Any Significant Differences in Terms of Age and Sex in Pedestrian and Cyclist Accidents? Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 9.

19.  Schubert, A., Erlinger, N., Leo, C., Iraeus, J., John, J., & Klug, C. (2021). Development of a 50th Percentile Female Femur Model. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2021 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 308–332).

20.  Smit, S., Trauner-Karner, J., Nader, M., Kofler, D., Erlinger, N., Feist, F., & Klug, C. (2021). Investigation of injury mechanisms in sledging accidents involving children and adults. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2021 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings

21.  Xu, J.-C., Silvano, A. P., Keller, A., Krašna, S., Thomson, R., Klug, C., & Linder, A. (2021). Identifying and Characterizing Types of Balance Recovery Strategies Among Females and Males to Prevent Injuries in Free-Standing Public Transport Passengers. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology, 9, 670498.

22.  Bützer, D., Lang, S., Schmitt, K.-U., Zahnd, B., & Klug, C. (2020). Knee injuries in pedestrians and cyclists resulting from impacts with passenger cars –Frequency and associated factors based on Swiss insurance claims data. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2020 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 37–46).

23.  Kofler, D., Tomasch, E., Spitzer, P., & Klug, C. (2020). Analysis of the Effect of Different Helmet Types and Conditions in Two Real-world Accident Scenarios with a Human Body Model. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2020 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings.

24.  Leo, C., Gruber, M., Feist, F., Sinz, W., Roth, F., & Klug, C. (2020). The Effect of Autonomous Emergency Braking Systems on Head Impact Conditions for Pedestrian and Cyclists in Passenger Car Collisions. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2020 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 330–357).

25.  Ressi, F., Kofler, D., Sinz, W., Tomasch, E., & Klug, C. (2020). Key Injury Regions for Passenger Car Drivers in Frontal Crashes: A Comparison of Results from IGLAD and Finite Element Simulations using a Human Body Model. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2020 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 137–155).

26.  Schachner, M., Schneider, B., Sinz, W., & Klug, C. (2020). Extracting Quantitative Descriptions of Pedestrian Pre-crash Postures from Real-world Accident Videos. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2020 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 231–249).

27.  Schachner, M., Sinz, W., Thomson, R., & Klug, C. (2020). Development and evaluation of potential accident scenarios involving pedestrians and AEB-equipped vehicles to demonstrate the efficiency of an enhanced open-source simulation framework. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 148, 105831.

28.  Leo, C., Klug, C., Ohlin, M., Bos, N., Davidse, R., & Linder, A. (2019). Analysis of Swedish and Dutch accident data on cyclist injuries in cyclist-car collisions. Traffic Injury Prevention, 20(sup2), S160–S162.

29.  Klug, C., Feist, F., Raffler, M., Sinz, W., Petit, P., Ellway, J., & van Ratingen, M. (2017). Development of a Procedure to Compare Kinematics of Human Body Models for Pedestrian Simulations. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2017 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 509–530, Vol. IRC-17-64).

30.  Feist, F., & Klug, C. (2016). A Numerical Study on the Influence of the Upper Body and Neck on Head Kinematics in Tangential Bicycle Helmet Impact. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2016 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 162–184).

31.  Klug, C., Feist, F., & Tomasch, E. (2015b). Testing of bicycle helmets for preadolescents. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2015 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 136–155).

32.  Klug, C., Weinberger, M., Tomasch, E., Feist, F., Sinz, W., Steffan, H., Kinsky, T., Roth, F., Praxl, N., & Buenger, B. (2015). Pelvic and femoral injuries in car-to-pedestrian accidents. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2015 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 49–63, Vol. IRC-15-15).

33.  Klug, C., Sinz, W., Brenn, G., & Feist, F. (2013). Experimental sphere-in-sphere testing for the validation of a numerical cerebrospinal fluid model. In International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Injury (Ed.), 2013 IRCOBI Conference Proceedings (pp. 483–496)

Corina Klug
Ass.-Prof. DI Dr.techn. Corina Klug

Assistant Professor, Leiterin der Forschungsgruppe "Accident and Injury Prevention"; Institutsleiter-Stellvertreterin

Institut Für Fahrzeugsicherheit, TU Graz


Letzte Aktualisierung: 10.01.2024