Expertin DIin Miriam Lettner


Nachhaltigkeitsforschung: Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement, Nachaltigkeitsbewertung, Qualitative Sozialforschung

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  • Fachhochschule


Universität (2018)
Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Veterinärmedizin

Weitere Fachrichtungen, weitere Ausbildungen
Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung Innovations- & Marktforschung


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch
Mehr Details
  • Deutsch

    Schriftlich: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache
    Konversation: Muttersprache / wie Muttersprache

  • Englisch

    Schriftlich: Verhandlungssicher / Fließend
    Konversation: Verhandlungssicher / Fließend


Auszeichnungen / Preise

BOKU Nachhaltigkeitspreis in der Kategorie Forschung (2019)


Lettner, M. & Hesser, F. Asking Instead of Telling — Recommendations for Developing Life Cycle Assessment Within Technical R&D Projects , In: Progress in Life Cycle Assessment 2019, Springer (2021)

Chebaeva, N., Lettner, M., Wenger, J., Schöggl, J.P., Hesser, F., Holzer, D., Stern, T. Dealing with the eco-design paradox in research and development projects: The concept of sustainability assessment levels, Journal of Cleaner Production (2020)

Mair-Bauernfeind C., Zimek, M., Lettner, M., Hesser, F., Baumgartner, R. J., Stern, T. Comparing the incomparable? A review of methodical aspects in the sustainability assessment of wood in vehicles, The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (2020)

Lettner, M., Hesser, F., Hedeler, B., Schwarzbauer, P., Stern, T. Barriers and incentives for the use of lignin-based resins: Results of a comparative importance performance analysis, Journal of Cleaner Production (2020)

Hedeler, B., Lettner, M., Schwarzbauer, P., Stern, T., Hesser, F. Strategic decisions on knowledge development and diffusion at pilot and demonstration projects: An empirical mapping of actors, projects and strategies in the case of circular forest bioeconomy, Forest Policy and Economics (2020)

Lindorfer, J., Lettner, M., Hesser, F., Fazeni, K., Rosenfeld, D., Annevelink, B., Mandl, M. Technical, Economic and Environmental Assessment of Biorefinery Concepts: Developing a practical approach for characterisation, IEA Bioenergy (2019)

Lettner, M., Solt, P. Rößiger, B., Pufky-Heinrich, D., Jääskeläinen, A.-S., Schwarzbauer, P., Hesser, F. From wood to resins – Identifying sustainability levers through hotspotting lignin valorisation pathways, Sustainability (2019)

Ranacher, L., Höfferer, K. Lettner, M., Hesser, F., Stern, T., Rauter, R., Schwarzbauer, P. What would potential future opinion leaders like to know? An explorative study on the perceptions of four wood-based innovations Die Bodenkultur: Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment (2018)

Schmelzenbart, A.C., Lettner, M., Hesser, F., Schwarzbauer, P. Barriers and incentives on the market diffusion of lignin composites – A Delphi-SWOT analysis, Pro Ligno (2018)

Lettner, M. & Hesser, F. Integrating environmental and market assessments in technical R&D projects, In: Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and Bio-based Industries (PTF BPI 2018)

Bonell, E. J., Lettner, M., Hesser, F., Schwarzbauer, P. Scenario-based eco-efficiency analysis of lignin valorisation pathways, In: Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Processing Technologies for the Forest and Bio-based Industries (PTF BPI 2018)

Lettner, M., Schöggl, J.-P., Stern, T. Factors influencing the market diffusion of bio-based plastics: Results of four comparative scenario analyses, Journal of Cleaner Production (2017)

Miriam Lettner DIin Miriam Lettner

FH Kufstein Tirol


Letzte Aktualisierung: 07.09.2021